What are your stressors

A problem known is half solved.

The knowledge of your stressors will help you to either avoid them or find ways to navigate them. 

Exposure to stressors pose a great challenge to an individual’s wellbeing resulting in depression, anxiety and the likes which in turn can lead to chronic illness such as hypertension, heart disease and even cancer. 

Financial issues, unstable relationships, immigration, parenting challenges, loss of job, disappointment etc. could lead to emotional distress which is a major stressor. 

What this does is that you are dampened and become so low in energy leading  to non productive life.

It is important that you surround yourself with positive people who are optimistic about life. 

Self affirmation is a great way to keep yourself motivated. Know that your life is worth living because you are a unique person. Your life may not be similar to your so called “comfortable neighbor” but know that you only know your own story and no one else. Therefore, do not compare yourself to others because it further leads to emotional breakdown. 

Every test either leads to success or failure. 

What is that thing that brings you joy when you do it, find out what that is and focus on it.


Do you have a plan